Monday, August 15, 2011

Now you see it! Now you don't!

The milestones this month just keep coming!  :)  Just a few days ago, Alina was talking to me and I noticed another tooth in her mouth behind her baby tooth.  I panicked and called the dentist, wondering if I should bring her in.  They said it is completely normal, as long as the baby tooth is loose.  Indeed, it was!

I had purchased carrots and apples for Alina to coax the tooth out on her own, but she was a bit skittish, as she could feel the tooth loosen and didn't like the feeling.  I didn't worry about it, as I figured, it would happen on its own.

Yesterday morning she came to me and asked me to feel her tooth.  It was SERIOUSLY loose now!  She explained to me that she tried to open the milk with her teeth, and it made it loose!  I asked her if I could just take it out and at first she said no, but then she obliged.  I pulled her tooth out and she was elated, as she said that she heard that the tooth fairy pays well on the first visit!  :)

That night she told me that she was going to wash her tooth as there was blood on it.  I told her not to and that it could be lost down the drain.  Indeed, she didn't listen and washed her tooth...down the drain.  She immediately ran to her room and cried and cried.  I didn't tell her "I told you so", as she was already visibly upset.  Instead, Daddy explained to her that she can write the tooth fairy a letter, and she will understand.  While Alina told me what to write to the tooth fairy, Armando went and fished the tooth out of the drain!  Truly Alina's hero, she almost cried when he showed her her tooth again.  Little does she know that was more for me, than for her.  ;)

The tooth then made its way safely under Alina's pillow where the tooth fairy replaced it with five whole dollars!  This certainly isn't how much every tooth is worth; however, the first one is a big deal, according to Alina (and Caillou, I guess).

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