Monday, August 17, 2009

Lucky...I mean, blessed.

Life is such a turbulent ride. It's so easy to get caught up in living moment to moment, day to day, simply trying to keep the ship afloat and get done all the things "we need to." At each step, stage or level we, as humans, tend to anticipate the "next" one as it is going to be easier, take less of our time, and we are simply going to be able to enjoy it more. All of us know however that each level just brings its own set of demands, needs, and time.

One of those stages is children. While having children is definitely the ultimate gift in life, it is also one of the biggest roller coasters I have ever been on. It constantly amazes me how two little people can go from making me feel elated, emotional, and on top of the world, to not knowing if I'm going to make it (with sanity at least). :) On this ride though I feel we sometimes, as moms, put so much into rearing our children that we forget their daddy. Not intentionally, of course; however being Mommy is so consuming that it just happens.

Well, this week Daddy shined. Three occasions in particular took place this week that made me beam with pride, knowing that Armando is my husband. I was talking about how he had helped me finish frosting sugar cookies so that I could go to the gym in addition to the million other things we had obligated ourselves to that night, and the women I was talking to could not believe that my HUSBAND would finish such a task! Sometimes I take this for granted as it just "happens," but it takes a special man to be willing.

Then, Armando and I had attended Sunday school where we talked about loving one another and the importance of putting others first. I love to just watch Armando's reactions to people talking around him, as well as to listen to his little "uh huh's" and "yes'". He can say so much without saying anything at all. In the car on the way home, he then began to tell me a story that he said he thought about sharing in class, but wondered about its relevancy, so didn't. He shared that his parents told him in 8th grade when he went to a dance he should dance with any girl that asked him, no matter what. He then shared that he didn't particularly like that suggestion at the time, and didn't understand, but said that down the road he saw their point and believed in the lesson. Armando and his parents (family in general) have such a beautiful love for people and are simply kind. It's incredible to watch.

Lastly, Armando and I had the opportunity to go to Vegas together alone for the day, where we planned to go school clothes shopping. While most men would want to go do their own thing and shop for their own clothes, Armando was happy to go into New York and Company with me and not only look at clothes, but he also picked clothes out and ran to switch sizes over and over and over. He wasn't sighing or frustrated or pushing me to go; he was simply in the moment, enjoying our time together and simply being there.

It's just an amazing blessing to have found someone that is so kind-hearted, understanding, and loving. It doesn't matter which way I'm headed (which can be anywhere from one moment to the next); he is there, with a smile, and open arms, ready to help, support, carry, nurture, etc. I have been blessed with this love and this family and saying I'm thankful doesn't even begin to show my gratitude.


  1. He IS very special! I'm glad you have that kind of love and family to carry you through the hard times, and to rejoice with in the good times! That's the love that surpasses the passion when the passion takes a break!

  2. It sounds like you picked a real winner!
    As Dr. Laura says, he "swims through shark infested waters to bring you a lemonade". So good to hear little acts of kindness and consideration.

    p.s. I LOVE NY& Co. It is my favoite store. It has young looking clothes, but not too young and they don't make you look like a hoochie mama!

  3. You've joined the blogging world...YEAH! I don't get to see or talk to my extended family near enough so I love being able to pop onto blogs and get an update on life. Love the posts...we truly are blessed and it becomes so clear when we take the time to reflect on things. Good luck with school, just around the corner!
