Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Beginning of the Beauty of the Season

Family. When I think of the most important things in my life, immediately my husband, children and other family members fly into my mind. Every day there are moments (some good, some bad) made with these special people that truly elate me. This weekend the moments came in the form of sharing and celebrating the beginning of fall at the Fall Festival.

We started off on Friday with Alina dancing with her pre-ballet class at the park, along side of her cousin, Analise, whom she simply adores. Not only does she get to dance with Analise, but she also is able to dance with other friends, such as Avery, Bridget and Olivia. And, to top it all off, Miss Kathy, her teacher, is phenomenal. Alina followed Miss Kathy's every direction and brought a smile to my face and tears to my eyes watching her beauty and grace - it's these moments that I hope to remember as time moves so quickly.

After we watched Alina dance, we headed off to dinner with Grammie and Papa, and then we were back at the park for the CARNIVAL RIDES! Alina and Aydon were ecstatic to run and play and go on every ride suited for them! Daddy was a champ and went on many rides with Aydon, as he was just short of the 40" height requirement on many of the rides. We were also lucky enough to run into the Moore family, so Mommy had a great time chatting, while Alina, Avery, Kasen and Aydon got to share these carnival moments together. We ended the evening with some kettle corn and headed home...just to begin the fun again in the morning!

Saturday morning started with the parade and ended with more carnival. To see the looks of facination and awe on my children's faces brings more joy to my life than almost imaginable. The excitement, beauty and wonder of little lives is such a blessing. Then to watch a 6'4" Daddy crawl into a mini-roller coaster and/or child's airplane to accompany his children in the fun, is simply priceless. It's these moments that I wonder how I became so lucky to have these children and this husband. The best part of all of this is that this is only the beginning of beauty of this season of Fall.
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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Freedom 2010

Independence Day 2010 was one of the most special days that our family has experienced, aside from our wedding day, the birth of our children, and other family moments along the way. On this very special day Armando professed his undying love for Jesus Christ our Savior in front of our family and church through his baptism. Additionally, the two of us also committed to raising our children in a Christian home, focusing on the Bible and serving our Lord. That afternoon we had everyone over for food and celebration, and then we headed off to the park to watch the fireworks. The town of Pahrump never disappoints in putting on a spectacular fireworks show. We concluded the evening with letting the kids play with sparklers in the back yard.

It was a day of moments. Special moments. Moments that make up the memories of our lives. Although each day brings its own obstacles and difficulties to over come, each day is also a blessing - given to us by our maker to enjoy, celebrate and over come!
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Friday, September 10, 2010

Our Little Cowboy is Turning Three!

It's hard to believe it's almost been three years since we brought our bundle of joy home from the hospital after ten days of praying, hoping and waiting for him to be healthy. Instantly we were in love! From making it through Aydon's days in the hospital, or of constant spewing, to his giggling and laughter, and his rambunctious all-boy spirit, every moment with our little man has been a blessing!

This year we are celebrating Aydon's three years of life with a cowboy carnival at Grammie and Papa's saloon! We are so excited to reminisce with friends and family, as well as to look forward to the beautiful times to come in our precious son's life together. Aydon enjoyed dressing up as a cowboy and having his picture taken for his invites, especially being able to carry around a BB gun!

Aydon has brought a new chapter to our lives. He has been a "mind maker-upper" from the time he could let us know what he wants and how he wants it. He loves trucks, cars, and especially horses. He loves his sister and oftentimes wants her by his side. Although, those moments can change on a dime. :) He adores his cousin, Antonio, who he refers to as "No-no" and requests to visit him often. He has always been way above the traditional growth charts, and continues to take after his Daddy, wearing a 4T in clothing and a size 10 in shoes! He loves the outdoors and playing with Sadie, Gizmo and Bella. He is potty trained, can dress himself, and even put on his shoes. Unlike his Sissy, who took forever to get rid of the "baby cups," he can drink from a big boy cup all by himself. Although he is notorious for making messes with pretty much anything he touches, he insists on doing it all himself! His vocabulary is amazing and he can count to at least 10 and sing his ABC's. He melts our hearts with all that he is, all that he can do and all that he'll ever be!

The thought of his turning three leaves me in disbelief and a hint of sadness, but my excitement, awe and wonder for what is to come overwhelms all those feelings! My baby boy is growing up and he has the world awaiting him!

"While we try to teach our children all about life,Our children teach us what life is all about." ~Angela Schwindt
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