Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Life Lessons from Mom

"All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother."-- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

Today I taught Rudyard Kipling's "If" to my seniors. If you haven't read it, it's a poem, and it is amazing.

It is basically the secret to life. And, in teaching it, I realized that life and being successful go back to what our mom's taught us when we were young.

For starters, it's easy to say even if someone is lying to us, we should not lie in return; however, so often that is what people do. Or, if someone hates us, we tend to respond with hate. Or, people grow to be successful and forget where they come from. This goes back to Mom's rules, the first being the Golden Rule. "Treat others as you wish to be treated." Not easy, but if we all lived by this, can you imagine our society? "Don't lie." Again, sometimes it's just easier. I don't know why. But lying never makes anyone feel good. It's horrible. My Mom always said never use the word "hate." "Hate is a strong word." No one, I don't care who we are talking about, likes to be hated. It's a natural instinct to want to be liked. If someone does dislike you, isn't it better to "kill them with kindness?" Again, thanks Mom. Then, Mom always said to "dream." Pretty simple. And, so necessary. But at the same time, one should not be so caught up on his/her dream that it is the ONLY way.

My Mom also taught me to "hold on." Even if today seems like the worst day ever, tomorrow is going to come and it's new and fresh. The possibilities are endless. And, my Mom always talked to me about keeping my cool, watching what comes out my mouth (as I tend to say things before I think), and not being hot headed or arrogant. Who knew? All the lessons to make the world go round do not come from college degrees, high school, or any other "knowledge" source, other than one's mom. Even something as simple as tying your shoe. If you don't you'll fall, but if you fall, "get back up." She knew everything.

Not a day goes by that I don't miss my Mom and all of the wisdom she had. Teaching Kipling's life lessons today was tough as it just kept reminding me that my Mom could have written that poem. She knew everything. At least it seemed. I didn't even touch on the whole "loving unconditionally" concept. Wow. I just pray that I am able to impart such wisdom to my children. If we all lived by the "rules" that our Mom's taught us, our world would be so much better. Lovelier.

My first lesson to everyone is love your mother. Cherish EVERY moment. You don't know how long you will have her. And, believe me, life without her is tough. Not being able to share your children, your first day of class, how you feel today (or yesterday), the purchase of your first house, your college graduation, etc. Call her. Express your love. Your appreciation. Recognize that she has taught you EVERYTHING about life. And, then, listen to your mother.


  1. That was a great blog, Desiree! I'm sorry that you had a rough day. I can't imagine life without my Mom in it, and I know that you struggle with that every day. Even though we don't always see eye to eye on everything - sometimes not on anything ;), know that I do love you. Keep hanging on, and know that you have lots of people around you that care about you!! I hope you have a great night and a good day tomorrow. We love you!

  2. Good reminder. It's good you choose to handle your challenges positively. I was moved.

  3. That was beautiful!! Your mother was a great inspiration to me as well. She was a very loving person, who always told you how it was or how it should be. I know that you are a great mother and will teach your children the same great values that you have. I hope all is well for you and your family. Love you!!

  4. Desiree! You are amazing... your Mother would be proud. Especially to hear you tell the world that she DID know everything! ;) I love you, and I'm so glad you're in my circle again!
